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Notice: IDOC is transitioning its phone service to a new vendor. Please read more details and instructions to prepare here.


Menard and Shawnee CC are transitioning video visitation service from GTL to ICSolutions. More information is available here.

COVID-19 Response

Confirmed Cases


















​Big Muddy River ​485
​485 0 ​14604 ​1035
​Centralia ​549 ​549
0 ​23787
​861 ​861
0 ​89728
​Crossroads ATC ​7 ​7 ​0 ​1995 ​7 ​7 ​0 ​2228
​Danville ​545 545 ​0 15664 ​1683
​Decatur ​243
0 ​19278
​Dixon ​705
​28522 ​1206
​1206 ​0
​East Moline ​359
​12327 ​747 ​744
​Fox Valley ATC ​14
​14 ​0 ​808
​41 ​41 ​0 ​1139
​General Office ​70
8399 ​0 ​0 ​0 ​0
​Graham ​626
​625 1 ​15508 1845
0 69432
​Hill ​387
​387 0 9953 ​1333
​1333 ​1
​Illinois River ​547
​1283 ​1282
0 ​83790
Jacksonville/PWC ​546
​546 0 ​13745
​1485 1485
​JITC ​88
0 ​2020 2 ​1 ​0 ​729
​Joliet TC ​390
​15647 ​140 ​140 ​0 ​14153
​Kewanee LSRC ​178
​0 ​3941
​68 ​68
​Lawrence ​690
0 ​21470 ​1275 ​1273
2 ​67592
​Lincoln ​326
​1244 ​1236 8 ​37054
​Logan ​764
​19740 ​1716 ​1716 0 ​56901
​Menard ​930
​33835 ​1861
0 ​120614
​Murphysboro ​125
​125 ​0 ​4084
​143 ​143 0 ​2594
​North Lawndale ATC  ​15
​15 ​0 ​1863 ​15 ​15 ​0 ​975
​Parole ​154
​154 ​0 ​774 ​0 ​0 ​0 ​0
​Peoria ATC ​45
​45 ​0 ​1557 ​65 ​65 0 ​2971
​Pinckneyville ​541
​16700 ​1739
​1738 ​0
​Pontiac ​977
977 ​0
​1014 ​1014
0 ​59398
​Robinson ​348
​21204 ​1153
​Shawnee ​462
​1210 1 ​64456
​Sheridan ​563
​22618 ​1535
​Southwestern IL ​333
​11149 ​461
​Stateville ​685
​976 ​976
​Stateville NRC ​670
0 ​92539
​Taylorville ​410
15551 ​1309
0 ​33256
​Vandalia ​456
​1043 ​1043
​Vienna ​538
​21212 ​617 ​614 ​0 ​23167
​Western IL ​505
​1321 ​1319 ​2 ​55423
Total ​15276 15271 5 ​541120 ​32288 32277 ​11 ​1531236

Data is updated weekly.


The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the global supply chain in ways not experienced by the world in many years. Essential raw materials are not making it to distribution centers and there is a shortage of workers in manufacturing centers and logistics companies. As a result, there has been a reduction in commissary items such as batteries, detergent, and aftershave. The Department is doing everything within its power to resolve this issue.


To prevent the potential for COVID-19 exposure, the Illinois Department of Corrections, after consultation with the Illinois Department of Public Health, temporarily suspended visitation on March 14, 2020. With declining COVID-19 cases within IDOC facilities, and the availability of the vaccine, the Department is taking steps to resume normal operations. The Department worked closely with IDPH to develop a plan to provide in-person visits in the safest manner possible. For more information, click here.

COVID-19 Vaccine

IDOC implemented a robust vaccine education plan for both staff and individuals in custody. Below are many of the resources that were provided.

COVID-19 Testing

IDOC is taking aggressive steps to protect staff and men and women in custody by implementing surveillance and outbreak mitigation testing strategies beginning the week of December 6, 2020. Surveillance testing identifies staff who may have been exposed to COVID-19 infection, regardless of whether symptoms are present at the time. This strategy will be phased in with plans to implement statewide. When implemented at a facility, all staff will be routinely tested and the frequency of testing will be determined by the Office of Health Services based on the positivity rate of the county in which the facility is located. When the Office of Health Services identifies an outbreak at a facility, all staff and individuals in custody at that facility will be tested approximately every three days until no new cases are identified for 14 days. At that time, the outbreak will be considered under control and staff will undergo COVID-19 testing in accordance with the facility surveillance testing protocol. All incarcerated men and women who present COVID-19 symptoms will continue to be tested.

Intra-Agency Transfers and County Jail Intakes

IDOC is temporarily pausing intakes from county jails as it responds to COVID-19 outbreaks at correctional facilities. The Department is utilizing space normally reserved for new admissions to safely quarantine and isolate incarcerated individuals who have been exposed or tested positive for COVID-19. The Department will continue accepting individuals from county jails who are scheduled to be released from custody the same day they are transferred. Individual requests for intakes due to special circumstances, such as medical or safety concerns, will be considered. When COVID-19 cases decline, IDOC expects space to become available for county jail intakes.

IDOC resumed county jail intakes on August 3, 2020. The Department is making every effort to follow these guidelines as closely as possible to ensure the health and safety of staff, the incarcerated population and the surrounding community. No matter the capacity of our reception centers, individuals who have completed their sentences can still be scheduled for transfer to IDOC where they will be processed and released the same day.

Medical Quarantine

Facilities with confirmed cases of COVID-19 are placed on Medical Quarantine. Due to the unique characteristics of each facility, a meeting between facility leadership, the Office of Health Services, Mental Health Services, and Operations is held to determine how services can be safely provided to men and women in custody. These services include, but are not limited to: medical care, mental health care, showers, phone access, meals, yard, etc.

Department Communication with Men and Women in Custody

The Department is communicating regularly with people in custody to ensure they feel safe. In addition to memos, information is also being communicated verbally and via television, tablets and MP3 players.


All media inquiries should be emailed to

Governor JB Pritzker's Executive Orders

On July 27, 2020, Governor JB Pritzker issued an executive order resuming the transfer of individuals from county jails to the Illinois Department of Corrections. All approved transfers to IDOC shall follow the protocol established by IDOC in conjunction with the Illinois Department of Public Health, available here. The Director of IDOC will work closely with county sheriffs and other partners in the criminal justice system to determine whether transfer from specific county jails is feasible and to ensure that the guidelines will be implemented.

On April 6, 2020, Governor Pritzker issued an executive order allowing the time period for medical furloughs to be extended for up to the duration of the Gubernatorial Disaster Proclamations as determined by the Director of IDOC and consistent with the guidance of the IDOC Acting Medical Director. In an effort to protect medically vulnerable offenders from the risk posed by COVID-19 within a correctional setting, the Illinois Department of Corrections is considering offenders for medical furlough who meet the required criteria.

On March 26, 2020, Governor Pritzker issued an executive order suspending all admissions to the Illinois Department of Corrections from all Illinois county jails. The Director of IDOC will work closely with county Sheriffs and other partners in the criminal justice system to discuss any potential exceptions that may be necessary.

Questions about IDOC's Response to COVID-19?

A list of frequently asked questions can be found here.

The Department can be reached by phone or email here. For any medical-related questions, please contact the Illinois Department of Public Health at 1-800-889-3931 or

Employee Resources

The health and safety of staff is a top priority for the Department. These employee resources will be updated as new information becomes available.