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Notice: IDOC is transitioning its phone service to a new vendor. Please read more details and instructions to prepare here.


Menard and Shawnee CC are transitioning video visitation service from GTL to ICSolutions. More information is available here.

Summit of Hope

For registration and upcoming Summit of Hope events click Summit of Hope

The Summit of Hope is a community expo that brings service providers together to provide the necessary services, support, and resources to returning citizens to become crime-free, responsible members of society. The Summit of Hope is an invitation only event for those local parolees in each community. The event is designed to bring the community together, gather all the resources available, and put them under one roof, providing a one-stop environment for returning citizens to obtain the necessary assistance to move past the barriers to success. The goal of the Summit of Hope events is to increase public safety, reaching a high-risk population in an efficient way, and reduce recidivism, meeting the needs of those reentering into society.

A volunteer assists each participant during the event, guiding them through the maze of services and exhibits. Services offered include State identification, counseling, transportation, food, clothing, shelter, child support services, primary health care referrals, screening for blood pressure, vision, HIV testing and care, veteran information, Social Security Administration, employment services, mock interviews, education/training services, connection to numerous faith-based organizations, and more.

Local State Parole and Federal Parole invite those under supervision to attend. Reaching out to this group eliminates obstacles and expedites each individual’s chance to become a positive community member.

The Summit of Hope Mission statement came from a parolees who wrote in the comment section of his evaluation, "Please continue to give hope to those of us who have lost our hope."