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Notice: IDOC is transitioning its phone service to a new vendor. Please read more details and instructions to prepare here.


Menard and Shawnee CC are transitioning video visitation service from GTL to ICSolutions. More information is available here.

Adult Transition Centers

IDOC has a work release program, referred to as an Adult Transition Center (ATC), for those individuals who have met the criteria for consideration for placement in a community correctional center. There are strict requirements for an individual in custody to be eligible to participate in this program. The eligibility criteria are available here.

ATCs aim to provide supervision, sanctions, and reintegration programs to reduce recidivism by supporting, through a full spectrum of services, the efforts of returning citizens to become employed, law-abiding community members. Individuals in the work release program remain under the custody of IDOC. In addition to establishing and maintaining gainful employment, individuals are eligible for community correctional center leaves and independent release time. The Level System utilized to determine the amount of leave and independent release time granted and the privileges associated with each level is available below.

Level System

         A. Orientation Status

Individual shall be placed in orientation status upon entrance to the program and will remain in orientation status for seven days.  After seven days, the individual shall automatically be promoted to Level I unless a major rule infraction has occurred.

  • The individual may be allowed one staff supervised shopping trip.

         B. Level I

The individual shall remain in Level 1 for at least 23 days, during which the individual’s Individual Program Contract must be written. After 23 days, the individual may be promoted to Level II.  To be promoted, the individual must:

1)               Be involved in a minimum of 35 hours per week of primary programming which may include, among other matters, employment, education, public service or vocational education.

2)               Be enrolled and participating in counseling, if required by the Chief Administrative Officer or his designee.

3)               Have had no documented major rule infraction for 30 days.

  • The individual may be allowed one staff supervised shopping or recreation trip per week.

         C. Level II

Individual shall remain in Level II for at least 60 days.  After 60 days, the individual, except permanent party residents, may be promoted to Level III.  Permanent party residents may not be promoted past Level II until their status is changed to a regular resident.  To be promoted, the individual must:

1)               Be involved in a minimum of 35 hours per week of primary programming.

2)               Be in compliance with individual program contract goals and objectives.

3)               Have had no documented rule infraction for 45 days.

  • The individual may be allowed:

o   One staff supervised activity per week for the first 30 days in level II.

o   For the next 30 days, one staff supervised activity per week or one three-hour volunteer or intern supervised activity per week.

         D. Level III

Individual shall remain in Level III for at least 30 days.  After 30 days, the individual may be promoted to Level IV.  To be promoted, the individual must:

  1. Continue to be involved in a minimum of 35 hours per week of primary programming for a period of 45 consecutive days.
  2. Be in compliance with Individual Program Contract goals and objectives.
  3. Have had no documented rule infraction for 45 days.
  4. Have contributed one special volunteer project utilizing his/her skills and abilities.  The project must be approved in advance by the Chief Administrative Officer.

·         The individual may be allowed:

o   A maximum of 6 hours of independent release time (20 Ill. Adm. Code 530:  Subpart C) per week.  Time increments shall be determined by the correctional counselor and the Chief Administrative Officer.

o   One three-hour volunteer or intern supervised activity per week.

o   One leave per month.

       E. Level IV

Committed persons shall remain in Level IV as long as they continue to display excellent adjustment and they are in compliance with the Individual Program Contract goals and objectives.

·         The individual may be allowed:

o   A maximum of 12 hours independent release time per week.

o   A maximum of four leaves per month.  During the last 60 days prior to the mandatory supervised release date or the parole eligibility date, such leaves may be extended home and family leaves in accordance with 20 Ill. Adm. Code 530:  Subpart D