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Fox Valley Adult Transition Center

Margarita Mendoza, Supervisor

Facility Data

Fox Valley Adult Transition Center
Opened: April 1972
*Operational Capacity: 128
Transitional Security Female
Population: 117 (as of 6/30/24)
Average Annual Cost Per Individual in Custody: $49,460 (FY22)

*Operational capacity is the maximum number of beds a facility has; to include all health care, crisis, restricted housing, protective custody, isolation, R&Cs, and future beds that are down for repair. Data reflects a bed space capacity census that was conducted in August 2022.


Visitor ADA Accommodations

IDOC Visitation Rules and Information

To visit Fox Valley Adult Transition Center, you must sign up in advance.

Facility Address

Business Mail:
1329 North Lake Street
Aurora, IL 60506

Individual in Custody Mail:
Individual in Custody Name & IDOC#
1329 North Lake Street
Aurora, IL 60506

Phone: (630) 897-5610
Fax: (630) 897-1386

Facility Information

It is the mission of Fox Valley Adult Transition Center (ATC) to provide within the guidelines of appropriate custodial care a continuum of programs and services for the female individual in custody , who transitions from an institution to an ATC, to the community and discharge from parole that addresses the unique medical, social, psychological and educational needs of the committed female.

Fox Valley ATC is a Transitional Security Adult Female facility that provides for a positive transition from the institution to life in the community through the use of a four-step level system. With the assistance of counselors and use of programs, all residents are expected to seek full time employment or attend educational or vocational training.

Fox Valley Adult ATC was formerly known as the Kane County Springbrook Tuberculosis Sanitarium. In April 1972, the Illinois Department of Corrections opened Fox Valley Community Correctional Center as work release facility housing male individuals in custody . In August 2000, the center was converted to a female facility joining the Women and Family Services Division.

The center is a single four-story brick structure housing administrative offices, counseling, volunteer and educational programs and up to 128 female residents. The first floor holds the administrative offices, dietary area and a toy room where residents can spend time with their children during visits. The third and fourth floors house the 40 resident rooms.

Individual in Custody Programs


  • ABE (Adult Basic Education)
  • GED (General Education Development)
  • College courses available in community

Volunteer Services:

  • Religious
  • 12 Step Recovery
  • Life Skills
  • Substance Abuse
  • Anger Management
  • Incarcerated Veterans Transition Program
  • Leisure Time Activity
  • Library