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Notice: IDOC is transitioning its phone service to a new vendor. Please read more details and instructions to prepare here.


Menard and Shawnee CC are transitioning video visitation service from GTL to ICSolutions. More information is available here.

DuQuoin Impact Program (DQIP)

Angie Isaacs, Superintendent

Facility Data

DuQuoin Impact Program (DQIP)
Opened: August 1, 1994
*Operational Capacity: 200
Minimum Security Adult Male
*Population: 0 (as of 6/30/24)
Individuals Enrolled in DQIP: 48 (as of 12/16/24)

*Operational capacity is the maximum number of beds a facility has; to include all health care, crisis, restricted housing, protective custody, isolation, R&Cs, and future beds that are down for repair. Data reflects a bed space capacity census that was conducted in August 2022.

*Individuals enrolled in DQIP are currently housed at Murphysboro Life Skills Re-Entry Center and are included in their population count.

DuQuoin Structured Impact Program (DQSIP) is a satellite facility of the Pinckneyville Correctional Center.


Visitor ADA Accommodations

IDOC Visitation Rules and Information -- please review before visiting

On the first visit to any correctional facility, the visitors will be required to have a photo identification, such as a driver's license, a state identification card, or acceptable documentation of non-US citizen including a current passport, visa, or Matricula, and documentation that includes their date of birth.

To visit DuQuoin Impact Program, you must sign up in advance.

Please have two forms of identification; one should be a photo ID for additional visits.


Visits are only allowed after the DQSIP individual in custody has completed the initial 30 days.

Visiting times are daily from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Visiting times are from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Weekends and Holidays.

Visitors must arrive 15 minutes prior to their pre-approved visit time. Due to limited seating visits are restricted to 3 adults per visit.


Video Visits

Video Visitation hours are Sunday through Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.  Visitors should log on 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time.

Facility Address

Business Mail:
275 Agriland Acres
Du Quoin, Il 62832

Phone: (618) 565-2944
Fax: (618) 565-2953

Individual in Custody Mail:
Individual in Custody Name & IDOC#
636 Elza Brantley Dr.
Murphysboro, IL 62966
Phone: (618) 565-2944

Facility Information

The mission of DuQuoin Impact Program as a minimum-security facility is to provide for the protection of the public through the humane and secure incarceration of adult male individuals in custody based upon the foundation of legislative and judicial decisions. The institution's administration is committed toward instilling responsibility and mature decision making in its individuals in custody by providing extensive and high-quality educational programs, cognitive behavioral programs, work assignment opportunities, physical fitness, substance abuse programming and religious avenues. The administration and staff of the facility strive to maintain a clean and safe environment for the individual in custody population, encouraging a positive adjustment while acquiring employment skills and educational advancements that will lend to rehabilitation and reduced recidivism. Security measures are maintained to further ensure the safety of the community, individuals in custody, and staff. New reentry programming has been established to further encourage the successful transition of its individuals in custody as productive citizens within communities through structured programming.

The DuQuoin Impact Program (DQIP) is a holistic program focusing on behavioral change and a positive self-image through a healthy lifestyle. Based on new legislation, eligible individuals who were sentenced after 1/1/2022 and approved by the sentencing court and accepted by the department, shall upon successful completion of the program requirements have their sentences reduced to time served between 12 to 18 months of active participation days. Upon successful completion, the individual in custody shall serve a term of mandatory supervised release.

Currently the DuQuoin IP program is housed and operated at the Murphysboro Life Skills Re-Entry Center.



Volunteer Services:

Alcoholics Anonymous
Worship Services
Religious Studies
Day With Dad

Clinical Services:

Thinking 4 a Change (NIC)
Criminal and Addictive Thinking (Hazelden)
Socialization (Hazelden)
Cultural Self Awareness (Hazelden)
Impact of Crimes (US Dept. of Justice/Office of the Victim Advocate-Penn. Dept. of Corrections)
Substance Abuse Therapy Sessions
Anger Management

Community Service for participants with outside clearance engage in various work assignments throughout the community.