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Notice: IDOC is transitioning its phone service to a new vendor. Please read more details and instructions to prepare here.


Menard and Shawnee CC are transitioning video visitation service from GTL to ICSolutions. More information is available here.

Pinckneyville Correctional Center

John Barwick, Warden

Facility Data

Pinckneyville Correctional Center
Opened: October 1998
*Operational Capacity: 2,827
Medium Security Adult Male
Population Pinckneyville Correctional Center: 1,756
Population Du Quoin Impact Incarceration Program (IIP): 0
Total Population: 1,756 (as of 6/30/24)
Average Annual Cost Per Individual: $30,227 (FY22)

*Operational capacity is the maximum number of beds a facility has; to include all health care, crisis, restricted housing, protective custody, isolation, R&Cs, and future beds that are down for repair. Data reflects a bed space capacity census that was conducted in August 2022.

Pinckneyville Correctional Center is the parent institution for Du Quoin Structured Impact Program (DQSIP).


Visitor ADA Accommodations

IDOC Visitation Rules and Information

To visit Pinckneyville Correctional Center, you must sign up in advance.

Video Visitation Hours
Sunday through Saturday 8:00a to 9:00a; 1:00p to 2:00p; 6:00p to 8:00p
Visitors should log on to the GTL 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time.
Video Visitation Guidelines

Facility Address

Business Mail:
5835 State Route 154
Pinckneyville, IL 62274

Individual in Custody Mail:
Individual in Custody Name & IDOC#
5835 State Route 154
Pinckneyville, IL 62274

Phone: (618) 357-9722
Fax: (618) 357-2083

Facility Information

The mission of Pinckneyville Correctional Center, as a medium security adult male facility, is to provide for the protection of the public through the humane and secure incarceration of adult male individuals in custody , based upon the foundation of legislative and judicial decisions. The institution's administration is committed toward instilling responsibility and mature decision making in its individuals in custody . By providing extensive and high-quality educational programs, work assignment opportunities, leisure time activities and religious avenues, the goal of the facility is to go far beyond the minimum necessities of food, sanitation, clothing, housing and medical services to the individuals in custody of the facility. The administration and staff of the facility strive to maintain a clean and safe environment for the individual in custody population, encouraging a positive adjustment while acquiring employment skills and educational advancements that will lend to rehabilitation and reduced recidivism. Security measures are maintained to a strict degree to further ensure the safety of the community, individuals in custody and staff. New reentry programming has been established to further encourage the successful transition of its individuals in custody as productive citizens within communities through structured programming.

The center is comprised of 19 buildings, totaling 434,000 square feet, contained on 148 acres of land. The institution consists of five X-design housing units, four of which are strictly dedicated for general population and one which uses two wings housing general population and two wings dedicated as segregation. The center has living accommodations built to American Disabilities Act (ADA) specifications, meeting the needs of its disabled population. A total of 64 beds are reserved for individuals in custody , who are qualified individuals with a disability.

Individual in Custody Programs


  • Adult Basic Education (ABE)
  • Advanced Adult Basic Education (ADV ABE)
  • Adult Secondary Education (ASE/GED)

Career and Technical Education:

  • Construction Occupations
  • Culinary Arts
  • Custodial Maintenance
  • Career Technologies
  • Horticulture


  • Reentry Programming
  • TRAC I
  • Lifestyle Redirection
  • Parole School
  • Safer Return Program
  • Chaplaincy