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Joliet Inpatient Treatment Center

Dr. Catherine Larry, Warden

Facility Data

Joliet Inpatient Treatment Center
Opened: June 2022
*Operational Capacity: 214
Multilevel Security Adult Males and Females
Population: 71 (as of 6/30/24)
Average Annual Cost Per Patient: 

*Operational capacity is the maximum number of beds a facility has; to include all health care, crisis, restricted housing, protective custody, isolation, R&Cs, and future beds that are down for repair. Data reflects a bed space capacity census that was conducted in August 2022.


Visitor ADA Accommodations

IDOC Visitation Rules and Information please review before visiting

To visit Joliet Inpatient Treatment Center, you must sign up in advance.

Facility Address

2848 McDonough St.
Joliet, IL 60436

Phone: 815-730-4400
Fax: Not operational at this time.

Facility Information

The Joliet Inpatient Treatment Center will provide the most intensive level of care for adult male and female patients who struggle with severe mental illness and to those requiring long-term nursing care. The 202 bed adult multiple-security (including maximum-security) facility is comprised of 7 mental health treatment units including 2 intensive mental health units and a 50 bed infirmary.  Each unit has a patient day room, outdoor recreational space, several treatment rooms, and areas to conduct individual and group sessions and a soothing room. The contemporary design provides access to daylight in each patient room and dayroom while maintaining safety and security requirements. Natural lighting, as well as views and access to exterior courtyards, provides for a recovery-focused milieu and enhances emotion and physical well-being. Additionally, each unit provides access to auxiliary aids and services for patients who display or voice the need for disability accommodations.